International Kenpo Fellowship
Recognised Irish club teaching the full Ed Parker Kenpo syllabus
Head Instructor Martin Carey, Author of 'The Official European Kenpo Karate
Journey' , Co Author of
'The Official Irish Journey Through Modern Day Kenpo'
and Author of
to Z Insights in to Ed Parkers Kenpo'.
Full-time private training at International Self-Defense Studios, Monastery Crescent, Clondalkin.
Contact 087 3128750
Email americankenpokarateacademy[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk
Martin Carey Master of the Arts, has been continuously training and teaching this art ( Ed Parkers American Kenpo ) since November 1975. He was awarded his first black belt in 1986 in kick boxing, in 1987 Martin received his black belt in kenpo after 12 years continuous training in kenpo. His Credits and grades to date are:
In 1987 Martin took over as principle Instructor in 'The High St Kenpo Studio' when Mr Coleman and Mr Paget actively retired from teaching, this is a position Martin held until 2003 when he resigned from High St and the AKI organization to further his studies in the Art of Kenpo. Martin was the only member of the High St Studio and the AKI orginazation in Ireland to do a full test for required black belt grades from 1st degree to 6th Degree black belt, all other senior AKI members in Ireland were promoted only.
Martin Carey co-wrote the book, 'The Official Irish Journey Through Modern Modern Day Kenpo' with his daughter Amy-Louise Carey.
Martin Carey Also wrote the book 'The Official European Kenpo Karate Journey' This book is the true history of Grandmaster Ed Parkers Kenpo Karate in Europe, (Now On Sale See Book Section).
Martin Carey has won awards at many tournaments including European, International and World Championships... too many others to mention.
He is one of the instructors responsible for the development of 'Ed Parkers American Kenpo Karate', (Modern Day Kenpo Karate) here in Ireland.
Martin has now just finished his third book title 'The A-Z Insights Into Ed Parker's Kenpo, Forms, (Short form one and Long form One) Released on sale now!!
Martin runs his own full time studio, International Self Defense Studio, he also teaches Chi Kung.
Martin also launched "The Official Black Belt Hall Of Fame" in Ireland. He has devoted the majority of his free time to this Art (American Kenpo Karate) and he has worked and trained with some of the most respected Martial Artists. He is currently an active member of the Parker/Planas Lineage, I.K.C. - A.K.K.A. - S.D.F.S and the W.K.O.
Martin Carey also compiled the Irish Senior Black Belt List and the European Senior Black Belt list
((((( NO person is left off due to politics)))))
Martin was involved in kickboxing for a number of years and has won a number of major tournaments. For further information on Martin Carey please see 'The Official Irish Journey Through Modern Day Kenpo' and 'The Official European Kenpo Karate Journey', (information on how to purchase this book can be found by clicking on the 'Book' link).
In 2006 Martin Carey was invited to Sweden by Mr Ingmar Johansson to train with 'The Parker/Planas Lineage' and continues to train with them, in October of 2008 Martin Carey became a direct student of Mr Planas (Special thanks to Mr Johansson of Sweden)
Martin runs a number of seminars with World class Instructors, he also has refereed and judged at World, European and International championships and takes part in many seminars to date 2015.

((((( Up-Dated 2015)))))
(Now Released)
The A-Z Insights into 'Ed Parkers Kenpo' Forms.
Price 14 euros including P&P All orders to Martin Carey, 42 Monastery Crescent Clondalkin Dublin 22 Ireland. Book covers Salutation, Short Form One and Long Form One Full photo and Text, detailed breakdown and Explanation (First of its kind for Kenpo) (Out Now)
(((((((((( European Kenpo Journey ))))))))))
The "Official European Kenpo Karate Journey " is based on facts and not fiction! This book gives you the true and accurate History of Senior Grandmaster Ed Parkers Kenpo Karate in Europe! The book profiles Senior Grandmaster J.M. Mitose, Senior Grandmaster William K.S. Chow, Senior Grandmaster Edmund K. Parker, Grandmaster John Mc Sweeney, Europes Most Prominent Kenpoists and Europes Kenpo Historians. The profiles are very detailed and there is a lot of old and new photographs (Hundreds) all information has been checked and has documentation to support it!! This is fastest selling Kenpo book of all time.
(OUT NOW-2007)
The true history on Kenpo in Europe, "The Official European Kenpo Karate Journey " (Compiled by Martin Carey)
Only available in hard back and presentation Box.
This book is the first of its kind for Europe,
To Order send cheque or postal order for 45 euros to ( this includes post and package any where in the World)
Martin Carey 42 Monastery Crescent
Clondalkin Dublin 22 Ireland.
All Cheques and postal orders made to Martin Carey.
Available Now from March 14th 2007 Allow 20 days Approx delivery.
"The Official Irish Journey Through Modern Day Kenpo " Profile Irelands most senior Kenpoists! All those who graded for their grades from 1st to 6th Degree as required by Senior Grandmaster Ed Parker we al so included 5th Degrees. No kenpoist was left out due to politics if they graded their there!! I also included my former Instructors Mr Paget & Mr Coleman as a tribute only!!!
( First Irish Kenpo Book-2005 )
"THE OFFICIAL IRISH JOURNEY THROUGH MODERN DAY KENPO " Available in hard cover only price 30. EURO +5 euro p+p 7 eueo p+p outside IRELAND order to:
Martin Carey 42 Monastery Crescent, Clondalkin Dublin 22. Ireland.
All Payments made to Martin Carey

Some of the awards Martin, Paula, Emily and Lee Carey have won over the years
Ireland's Black Belts
This Irelands black belt family tree 6th degree and above, if any of your information is incorrect you can contact Mr Carey at: americankenpokarateacademy@yahoo.co.uk Those not listed never retested for black belt or never had grades validated as their Instructors were not qualified to grade black belts.
((((( Up-Dated 2015 )))))
Mr John Mc Sweeney an American brought Kenpo Karate to Ireland/Europe in 1962 see "The Official Irish Journey Trough Modern Day Kenpo" and "The Official European Kenpo Karate Journey" Mr Mc Sweeney, 1st Degree to 7th Degree from Mr Parker / IKKA
Mr Paul Dowling 1st degree test by Jim Rice and John Conway all grades from 1st to 8th by the IKKA.
Mr Martin Carey Master of the Arts.
Mr Ed Downey 1st degree Maurice Mahon, (1st validated by Ed Parker) 2nd degree Ed Parker, 3rd degree test by Ed Parker, 4th degree IKKA, 5th degree with AKSC, 6th degree Jeff Speakman & John Sepulveda, 7th John Sepulveda.
MrJohn Ward 1st degree by Tommy Flynn and Alan Corigan later validated by the IKKA all grades from 1st to 8th IKKA.
MR Lorcan Carey 1st degree test by Ambrose Maloney and Rainer Schulte 1st to 7th IKKA.
Mr Michael Reilly 1st and 2nd degrees by Coleman/Paget issued with new certs by the IKKA (Validated) 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th degrees by the IKKA.
Mr Martin Brien 1st Degree to 6th degree IKKA, Instructor Paul Dowling
Mr Kieran Fitzpatrick 1st degree to 6th IKKA
Mr Anthony Taylor 1st to 3rd Degree by Mr. Des Tracey & Mr. Michael Travers 4th to 6th Mr John Sepulveda and Mr Eddie Downey.
Mr John Burgess -1st to 6th Degree Black Belt by Ed Downey
Mr Richard Burgess - 1st to 6th Degree Black Belt bt Ed Downey
Mr Jim Rice promoted to 1st degree by John Mc Sweeney, promoted to 2nd degree by Ed Parker, promoted to last rank 4th degree by Ed Parker.
Tommy Jordan promoted to 1st degree by John Mc Sweeney, promoted to 2nd degree by Ed Parker, promoted to 3rd degree by Ed Parker, 4th, 5th by IKA, 6th by IKA and IKKA panel, 7th by John Mc Sweeney, 10th by Al Tracy.
Mr Maurice Mahon Promoted to1st degree by John Mc Sweeney, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th,7th, no records of any grades or promotion in "Ed Parkers" kenpo, 8th,9th by Tony Cogliandro and 10 by Al Tracy.
Mr John Conway Promoted to 1st degree by Mr John Mc Sweeney, 2nd ,3rd,4th,5th,6th and 7th degree by Mr Parker.
Mr Peter Coyle 1st , 2nd, 3rd by Tommy Jordan, jumped from 3rd to 10th with no test or promotion! 10th by Al Tracy.
Mr Shay Paget 1st degree by Maurice Mahon 2nd degree no test or promotion, 3rd degree no test or promotion, 4th degree no test or promotion, 5th degree no test or promotion, 6th no test or promotion, 7th,8th,9th by Tony Cogliandro AKI with no test.
Mr Barney Coleman 1st & 2nd degree by Maurice Mahon, 3rd no kenpo test or promotion, 3rd in kempo kung-fu, 4th no test or promotion, 5th no test or promotion, 6th no test or promotion, 7th and 8th by Tony Cogliandro with no test !!!
Mr Patrick Kennedy Failed 1st degree(No Retest), 2nd degree with conditions he improves by Coleman/Paget, 3rd degree no test or promotion gave to himself, 4th degree no test or promotion gave to himself, 5th degree no test or promotion gave to himself, 6th degree no test or promotion gave to himself, 7th, 8th,9th giving by Larry Tatum between 2003 and 2006 (3 years 3 degrees)
Mr Tony Dunne 1st degree by Maurice Mahon, 2nd no test or promotion gave to himself, 3rd no test or promotion himself, 4th no test or promotion gave to himself, 5th, no test or promotion gave to himself, 6th no test or promotion gave to himself and In 2002 Mr Dunne declared himself "A Supreme Black Belt", 7th and 8th by Larry Tatum (with in less then 3 years (2003 to 2006) by Larry Tatum
Mr Vivian Spain 1st degree by Maurice Mahon, no record of any test or promotion for 2nd, 3rd. 4th, 5th 6th degrees (self promoted) 7th and 8th degrees by Larry Tatum in less then 3 years.
Mr John Birch 1st and 2nd degree by Coleman Paget, 3rd, 4th, 5, 6th degree no record of any Grades/Promotions (Gave to himself) 7th and 8th by Larry Tatum 2003 to 2006 lest then 3 years!
Mr Dan Gilligan 1st, 2nd, 3rd, degree By Coleman/Paget, No record of any grades/promotion for4th, 5th, 6th (gave to himself) 7th and 8th degree by Larry Tatum in less then 3 years.
European Black Belts
Europe's Senior Black Belt listing is made up from the following Kenpoists, who have corresponded with the bylaws set by Senior Grandmaster Ed Parker by leaving a minimum of three years between each grade (after 6th degree), and who have actually gone on the floor and graded in front of a grading panel up as far as 6th Degree black belt. For reference purposes we have also included 5th Degree Black Belts.
If your name is not on this list and you feel that it ought to be, please do not hesitate to contact the committee with your details. Contact details can be found here.
(No Person has been left off this list due to politics)
(((((((((( The Kenpoist who are not listed on this list can’t produce valid grades ))))))))))
(((((((((((( Use Arrow To Go Down List )))))))))))))))>
((((( Up-Dated 2020 )))))
(((((((((( Europes Most Senior Kenpoist (THAT HAVE TESTED FOR RANK) ))))))))))
9th Degree
Mr Roy Mac Donald , Paul Dowling
Mr Graham Lelliott (Jersey now USA),
Master of the arts
Martin Carey
Master of the Arts.
Mr Graham Lelliott (Jersey now USA),
Mr John Ward (Ireland)
7th degree
Mr Ed Downey (Ireland) Mr Gary Ellis (UK) Mr Mr lorcan Carey (Ireland), Mr Michael Reilly (Ireland) Mr Jósé Hernández (Spain) Ingmar Johansson (Sweden)
6th degree
Mr Mervin Ormand (UK), Ms Jaki Mc Vicar (UK), Mr Richard Matthews (Jersey), Mr Jósé María Gutiérrez (Spain), Mr Martin Brien (Ireland), Mr Hans Hesselmann (Holand), Mr John Burgess (Ireland), Mr Richard Burgess (Ireland), Mr Anthony Taylor (Ireland)
5th degree
Mr Alan Ellis Ireland
Mr Kieran Fitzpatrick Ireland, Ms Diane Wheeler (UK), Mr Nigel Romeril (Jersey), Mr Ger Hicky (Ireland), Mr Paul Mc Murray (Jersey), Mr Ian Harries (Jersey), MrJohn Nikolaou (Greece), Mr Mark Richards (UK) Mr Steve Romeril (Jersey), Mr Christian Springer (Germany)
Martin Careys Black Belt Family Tree
Keith Carey First Degree Black Belt 2001.
Paul Bourke First Degree to Seventh Degree Black Belt 2002 - 2023.
Paula Carey First Degree to Fifth Degree Black Belt 2008 - 20024.
Lee Carey First Degree Black Belt 2011.
Alan Redmond First Degree Black Belt 2012.
Alan Ellis Fourth Degree to Fifth Degree 2016 - 2019.
Emily Carey First Degree Black Belt 2016.
Philip Bourke First Degree Black Belt 2010.